I'm here for the earth and the spirits.
I'm here to build a bridge between the people
and the spirit world.
I 'm here to grow and to help others grow.
I 'm here to reconnect the people to mother earth
and the spirit world.
I 'm here to serve and to co-create
My story
I grew up with my grandparents in rural Dalmacija, Croatia.
I have had a strong bond with my ancestral roots and the natural world since a very young age.
My grandparents were my first earthly guardians. They have given me the keys to the natural spirits and the circles of times. My parents worked in Germany and I only saw them a few weeks a year. At the age of 11, I also moved to Germany.
This was a big transition in which I learned to adapt to city life, learned new languages, and saw how people live their earthly life differently. I have always been able to see the essence of all of that.
Ever since I was a little girl I was practising my own kind of shamanic journeying.
I already knew that all in existence is connected and able to interact with each other. I've never stopped exploring and expanding this consciousness.
And yet also I was caught up by school, religion, and societal pressure during and after my adolescence.
As a young mother I worked at a bank, studied psychology, and spend 3 years in acting school to become an actress.
Now I know, this was all just a way to have the experiences I needed to come to my core vocation to lead and reconnect people to the source of life itself.
To help them heal themselves and the earth.

My shamanic initiation
My shamanic initiation started in Brasil while joining a healing session with a healer/medium. I asked him what my core mission on this planet was meant to be. After that day a lot of things in my life rapidly started to change. I went through a deep transformation.
I had to pass through the so called shamans death and through the dark night of my soul. I learned what self-healig means and how to continue this self-love journey. I had the opportunity to learn from different shamans/shamanas and experienced and learned to work with plant medicine.
Since 12 years now I have been sharing my knowledge and my experiences intensively with others. I have been holding annual women circles for over 7 years and I'm never running out of visions and ideas for creating paradise.
I will never stop learning and creating.
I will never stop loving.
I will never stop healing and contributing to the healing of mankind.